green tea and weight loss - is effective ? The Truth About it !!

Green tea is becoming increasingly popular, not only because it tastes good, but also because it has lots of health benefits. green tea and weight loss, Includes green tea into your healthy diet will boost your immunity, increase your metabolism, slow aging and help you lose weight.

Plan Green Tea Diet

No drink only 2-4 cups of green tea a day will help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight and not gain extra kilos after eating your favorite cake. green tea and weight loss, If you're not a fan of green tea and may not be drinking every day, you can try taking natural supplements of green tea or even chew some green tea leaves after loading. green tea and weight loss, But remember to drink one or two cups of tea a day will hydrate your body and add it to your daily water intake is important for successful weight loss.

Tip: If you do not like the bitterness of green tea brewed try to add a teaspoon of honey in your cup.  green tea and weight loss, It will enhance the flavor of the tea and add a little sweetness. Cup of green tea with honey also helps control appetite and help with cravings.

Why green tea for weight loss is effective?

The reason green tea for weight loss is so effective is simple. green tea and weight loss, Green tea leaves contain special bioactive enzymes that are known to block the absorption of starches so they simply pass through your system without having any effect on your body. green tea and weight loss, The results are the same as if you went on a diet low in carbohydrates, except now you can still eat carbs and not worry about solving the hips or waist.

Choosing healthy foods is key

Of course, this does not mean you can forget about your healthy habits and start eating everything you can imagine. green tea and weight loss, You get most of the benefits of drinking green tea to lose weight if you continue to eat healthy and limit consumption of processed and packaged foods, green tea and weight loss, canned or frozen, such as cakes, fries, pizza, etc.

At the same time, not be allowed to starve. We all want to see results fast and it's great to see the changes in our body goes through while losing weight. green tea and weight loss, But remember, you can not follow a strict diet for a long time. One day, inevitably lose control and gain all the weight back. To prevent this from happening, green tea and weight loss, make sure you eat enough food each day to feel satisfied. Do not skip meals because your body will want to compensate, if not today, then in the near future. green tea and weight loss, Starving yourself is not only difficult, but also provides long-term negative outcomes.

As with any successful and accelerate healthy weight loss and keep the body healthy diet should eat more fresh vegetables, green tea and weight loss, lean meats, fish, colorful fruits, healthy fats and grains integers. green tea and weight loss, And green tea diet is no exception.

How to prepare green tea for weight loss

Taste and health benefits of green tea depends largely on how it is brewed. green tea and weight loss, Prepare hot green tea, and become bitter. Proper temperature varies green tea is used, but most should be around 160 to 175 degrees Fahrenheit (73-76 C). green tea and weight loss, To make 1 cup of tea with a teaspoon full of green tea leaves. Use tea to brew green tea to ensure that the leaves have enough room to grow. green tea and weight loss, Typically, green tea is made for about 2 minutes
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